
Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Ignore the Experts

Albert Einstein was sent home from school as a young man with a learning
disability. His parents were told that he was incapable of being educated.
They refused to accept this diagnosis and eventually arranged for him to get
an excellent education.

Dr Albert Schweitzer had the same problems at school as a boy. His parents
were encouraged to apprentice him to a shoemaker so that he would have a
safe, secure job when he grew up. Both men went on to earn doctorates
before the age of twenty and leave their marks on the history of the
twentieth century.

Thomas Edison was expelled from school in the sixth grade. His parents were
told that it would be a waste of time to spend any money educating him
because he was not capable of being taught anything. Edison went on to
become the greatest inventor of the modern age.

According to an article in Fortune magazine on learning disabilities in
business, many presidents and senior executives of Fortune 500 corporations
today were diagnosed in school as being not particularly bright or capable.
But by virtue of hard work, they went on to achieve great success in their

So what are we saying about experts opinion???

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